You (in all your glory) have me
(in my submissive posturing)
wondering about you and your glory
and how that might be just me
wishing you were an angel,
sent from somewhere
to save me from something
that I might never know about,
here to alleviate this profound loneliness
(oozing) from too many nights alone,
too many drinks alone (slobbering),
too many fights alone,
too many alones
to give any credibility to those words I have left
(loneliness is never to be trusted
when a remedy is near by, and you,
my friend,
seem to remedy this ageing despair)
that might enjoin your body to mine
ending this premature drought of spirit.
Having wondered more than I should
(which happens more than it should),
Great Conclusions I’ve none
They are a rare and spoiled breed of thoughts
that never seem to give enough of themselves,
the selfish bastards
lonely I’ve too much,
that now I fall asleep
with the wandering wonders
dancing about my shoulders
with you pressing on my neck
to place your lips over my arteries
breathing life into the shell
that I was (before I fell asleep)
allowing my heart to push my blood
now companioned with your kiss-breath-life
until that time comes (and we all know too well
it will be here soon enough
since I have always just been an idea man)
where I’ve forgotten the horror of loneliness
and want to be alone.