Whore magazine – Vol. 1, Issue 1

The first and probably last issue ever: Whore – the magazine – The Gift for all occasions, the thing to read on the shitter, something to burn, cut up, poster your bedroom walls with, and display in an art gallery. WHORE is what no other is; distinguished by it’s unique brand of offensiveness and its utter tastelessness. If you’re reading it, there may be something wrong. If your enjoying it, get away from me.
You can print this out and give it to people you don’t like. you can print front & back on 8.5×11, or on 3 sheets of 11×17, folded.
So, check out WHORE … I’ll make more.

A nice little front page and masthead … now imagine there’s lots of content. So, send me your content. I want to print this by the end of the week – you know, make the Christmas rush!
[update 12-8 3:00 pm, or so] – Long live the King of Siam! I’m almost done. a few people sent me things that don’t suck. No one sent me anything that did suck. Where are your lists? I need lists; things to do, people that need to die, how to turn a trick, etc. Also, I’ve fixed the weird coloring thing and done some reworking. Still looking for a printer. Hopefully I’ll be able to get it out next week. Look for it in your shitty Adams-Morgan bars, book stores, coffee shops or anywhere they won’t throw it away; look for it on U St., up and down 14th St., in indy-bookstores, etc. It’s small, so ask them where it’s hidden. Don’t settle for translations.
[update 12-7 11:15 or so] – almost done. Not sure why I’m getting weird yellow stuff where it’s supposed to be transparent … will work on that. Who’s got poetry, art, or anything else? Don’t be shy. I’ve got a little space to fill up and, while I don’t mind putting my shit here, I’d much rather have someone else’s shit. That way, I’ve someone to blame for this failure.

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind