So, I’ve been accumulating things to write about, and not actually writing about them. It occurred to me that I should write them down in a list to return to and see what it was I wanted to write about. Oh, and I thought of something else, should anybody have any deep thoughts on these subjects, feel free to write about them and either have a debate or a discussion. I think that would be cool and motivating.
High Crimes and Misdemeanors: just what is that *exactly*?
How can the Bush Administration, and by extension, those heads of our departments, avoid being charged with, at the minimum, Misdemeanors? Even if one were to invoke a very narrow, very strict view of a Misdemeanor, it is clear these guys have ’em in their back pockets and back-packs, collecting them since November, 2000. I hope to see what it would actually take for the congress to Impeach this president, along with most of his cabinet.
Economic Analysis of the Bush Administration: the lasting impacts.
In what now appears to be characteristic two-faced Republicanism, the smaller government and promised economic improvements seems to have been a fantasy of all those but the [s]elected. How has Bush’s spending and not spending impacted America’s future. Now, with the dollar in virtual free-fall decline, the worlds confidence of the American economic powerhouse is plummeting just as quickly. Can we predict a future with these indicators? Will America see food riots in Cleavland?
War Crimes and Criminals: You only get away with it, if you win.
For those who get to “Make War”, it comes with as much responsibility as driving a car. What happens when you actually get pulled over and caught? They say it’s only Illegal *if* you get caught. It seems that they have been caught and the question now is if there is enough commitment to the concept of “Rule of Law”.
The Justified War: How America revokes approval. [or something like that].
When America went to war, it seemed I was in the Minority. Now, It seems, I am part of the Majority. How have we gone from Pitch forks and torches to candles and peace vigils? Has it happened before and are their any similarities? Are American’s too trusting of their Government?
The Immigrant Experience: what do you do when the party has what you need, but you’re not invited?
While America struggles with Immigration, so too does every other industrialized nation. What does it mean to be an immigrant; what have we – a nation of immigrants – forgotten about our shared experiences?
The Temporal Nature of Power and its Generational Impacts
While Bush has only had large influence for the last 7 or so years, and Reagan for only 8 years, Clinton the same, what has been the long term impact. Can one person reverse the course of another? Can we be quick about repairs, or. as it is in life, is destruction much easier than creation?
Totality of Humanity: the failure of the Globalistic Vision
There is no doubt that Globalism is the new religion, but are they preaching the right things? Will a model of interconnectedness without local supporting mechanisms work? Perhaps a view from a systems perspective will shed light on the past failures of our globalization methods and goals. When considered in the view of a system, globalization [and to that end, most societal management endevers [sp]? ] requires strong local error checking with direct access to error reporting so that overall stability of the system can efficiently operate and effectively deal with adaptation to a changing environment the system must operate in.
Intellectual Property: Oops, what that out loud?
What I say is as much my property as my bed. Is it really? Then pay up!