Untitled #23380-2

i am an instance of the universe.
a short fall of attributes
left me believing i was human.

unfettered awareness.

i am an instance of myself,
circular with infinite angles:
to know and not know all of them,
sadness & joy.

myself, instantiated,
in this form [so fragile,
waiting to break open
that greatness might spill out]
, must exist.

i've cast my lot with life,
because the universe is,
i am,
in love with life.
As in love,
I will hurl comets and asteroids
at life.

stability is the purview of death:
insulated in the wealth of space.

i am the universe crying for its love,
unable to recognize myself
because of a short fall of attributes,
i did not always believe i was human.
Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind