we didn't last a year before breaking down: deceit, bandwidth, time ... all the best reasons; the reasons are irrelevant, oddly enough. the void they leave behind still loves me... much like Jesus, I suppose. i take the void to bed, i offer to be the big spoon. i kiss the void gently, barely a peck, and the void still loves me. Waking up to the darkness, so familiar, so comfortable; i can feel the void's love caressing my cold feet. i have to wonder what i might do should the void ever be filled. How lonely i would be without the void to keep me company in the train, in the bus, in the office, in the bar. i take the void swimming, out into the middle of lake Zurich, but my arms keep flailing as though they don't want to sink into the loving void. How cumbersome to be in disagreement with one's own arms. with one's own heart.