the breath of breeze rustling the leaves 3k short and a gun to the head, A sunset never looked so red. staring out a window, waiting to meet god but god don't live anywhere so i forget what happened there. identities lost, but never gone running never lasts long: out of breath in Colorado, a voice on the other end of the phone tricked again into coming home. Can't ever get far enough away can't ever get far enough away i'm always there, in the way. the problems just seem to follow, like nature's breath, in and out. the forests breath just like me and still i dream of fires. home was only ever a starting point to run from trading dope for guns planning armored car robberies planning to kill me waiting outside the grocery store may not have been the best idea the purse had no money and the old woman fought hard no home in that score card lilting fury, each wave, sleeping in the backseat sober - exhaustion wins in the end it always wins in the end like death, always losing to a new generation we endure the time to do and scream when we think no one is around to hear us. the days are a blur of action and reaction bleeding like colors into one another like dreams, people appear in memories, corrupted by ... je ne c'est quoi? desire? the clouds are on fire. keep trying to remember. keep trying to forget. lifetimes of hunger, with feasts every hour. there is no ending.