
overwhelmed by loneliness, i overdosed on humanity: it’s easier without it, easier to live dead than try to be alive. Did you see where I put my concern? that’s all that’s left now; the slow rotting of acceptance the way each death accepts itself once its concern has been lost to the awkward atrocities of … Read moreoverwhelmed

learning to love

Line the masses up against the wall – separate those you love from those you can not. Throw stones the size of your thumb at those you love. When you run out of stones cut off your hands and throw those. Make sure they’re dead, then weep until you love those you could not.


the petals of every flower that has ever been, the rose, the tulip, the wild dandelion; none of these will ever wrest my heart from your hold. the light of every full moon, blue and red will not shine brighter than that which beams from your eyes. These days of happiness are but tokens for … Read moreyou


sweet voice, honey from lips, I glanced the Matterhorn and then could not find you. how my hands long for you, independent of me – the same as my eyes; we share the desire that your voice draws out, like the harpists fingers on the taught strings of my soul. Darling smile, butterfly on the … Read moreetheral

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind