Tuesday – skipping lunch – tired. I’m wondering why i got up this morning. Email from Darc last night… she’s sick and it makes me sad. Of course, that makes me wonder – what if you were bonded with a bunch of people (for whatever reason) so that if they got sick, you didn’t feel right either. And say you had lost touch with most of them, but the bonds don’t decay – how many days to you wake up not feeling right and not understanding why?
Well, whatever … it’s not that important. This weekend I went to Ikea and spent $37.68. I got a wooden shelf like thing for my plants … I think I want to cover it in stickers. That seems fun. I got something else, but I don’t remember what – wine glasses, that’s it. I hate Ikea. They make this rat maze to see how many people are smart enough to get out. Worse yet, this weekend was college move in day. OMG! Who the fuck needs that much shit?!? Don’t they give you a fuckin’ room? It makes me want to puke to see American’s concept of need – desks, TVs, stereos, pillows, curtains, pictures … how did pictures become a need? Anyway, too much stress going to these places. I think I’ll order shit from the catalouge from here on out.
long hot summer
is anyone there…it is september 20…hello?
i think i hear an echo?
That bonding theory is tight. I like it. It would give me a good reason for feeling shitty.