I’m not really sure what it is about catholics that I don’t like, but it’s something, that’s for sure. I don’t like the way they stand up and sit down and kneel and stand up and kneel; it’s just so confusing. I don’t like the way the priest walks around with the incense and mumbles things in other languages. If what he had to say was so important, he could speak up and talk in English. I just don’t like ‘em. They can all go and sit on the biggest toilet in the whole world and flush themselves into their own confessional of hatred and guilt.
Wind In My Bed
Blow, Wind, blow together, you & I will show them just what fast is. Maybe we’ll do it slow to see their bad reactions, maybe they’ll be good — at least done well. Perhaps a show, sly Wind so I can slip my arms around you and have you. Tonight, I will wish you were … Read moreWind In My Bed