Train Trash Tracks

an act of genius has proclaimedall lands between the tracksand the fence by the streetto be the dumping groundsfor throwaway children of disemboweled lives –        I know this because I’m on the train        and the lives are scattered down hillsides        to meet me traveling south, waving hello        just as the children did a hundred years ago        when the U.P. came … Read moreTrain Trash Tracks


April 3, 2005 – 135 commin’ through Phily. It’s a harsh color of life this Phily offers. It’s not the pink swimingo of youth or the sweet lemonade stands where thirst is killed off with a dime or a quarter. There’s beer here in these dark runoff rivers left over from the deluge of the … Read morePhilly


Win and I talked last night I wish you’d have been there. We spoke of friends & friendship and this culture lacking love. We went on about our questions to devine our true selves – —gay or straight, bent & broken. We agreed the greeks knew best. They knew that gay was happy with the … Read moreHappy

Smoke Signals

NO POETRY FOR THIS SMOKE just signals for life to turn direction to clear this world’s complexion. I’m asking for stasis in remote places with my silly smoke signals that more won’t die – each breath is part of me gone I want to live so I hope they see my smoke.

Prison Garden

Watching gardens bloom watching them die full circle surrounded by stone faced bricks that have been bled dry; illusions for my eyes. But what of them? Do they feel trapped; their roots tunnel under where I can’t go? A refuge of nature that is less refuge and more show than all the mini-motors that torture … Read morePrison Garden

Living Dead

What are these thingsthey have all said?Is there lifewhen you’re dead?What does it matterif you’re already dead?What is todayif you only see tommorrow?What a strange brandof future sorrow.

thinking about dc

thinking about dc I drag life away billowing blue my sky tears my eyes open for tears; sadness & joy. Having once had you now is the time for something new. I’ll ask and I’ll get though I should be careful I have not always wanted to be alone, and now 5 hours from home … Read morethinking about dc

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind