Caged Bird

The first man to hold a bird in a cage found himself that bird of rage. I was a horrible child smearing passion across a wild landscape of lovers playing second fiddle to my true love, the Sphinx’s riddle. I wreaked havoc on church bells, I railed against imaginary hells and when my devils got … Read moreCaged Bird

Not Today

Some people have sometimes been something but I have always been something just not quite the thing I have always wanted to be. so to Hell with Being Any Thing They want me to be today. Not Today.

Gregory Taylor

There was a shine in his eyeswhen Rage was home.Like spring dreams,his cheeks would rouge.I did not want to coweror even dance.My dreams held a kisson his pursed lips.I would eat the stabsof dagger tonguein awe of the delicate flowersperched around his nose,where all I could thinkwas to smell him.I felt the holes in his … Read moreGregory Taylor


Battle ship greyI’d like to chip that paint awayfrom my January skyto show the peaceful blueunder which I used to love you.I’d like to love a new –may I nowor shall I wait?I wish to knowmy little heart’s fate.

Impressionists @ Lyman Allen

I hate your paintings like my grandmother’s sundays in front of laurence welk. You bore         -not into my soul until I’m shaken with Rage at your chance at immortality I want mine I want razor blades across your impressions     in pastel

Noah’s Arc

My thoughts are hampered by my penA wretched human invention;a sad intellectual temptationto jot and rotwith the words now solidon paper as fragileas our soulsto be thrown awaywhen comes the daya death certificate to sign -Will my pen outlast this time?Or will another’s make the markforgetting me with the other pigeons    in the parkto have coffee … Read moreNoah’s Arc

Mr. Bush

SHUT THE FUCK UP! I’m tired of your suck up talk to me about values preach to me about morals Yea, right… And justice for All. When you Raped lady liberty you weren’t strappin’ a jimmy now your bastard children roam around calling themselves “homeland security”. And you’re not a fascist ’cause you think you … Read moreMr. Bush

Leaving New London

Leaving new london – sorry for the beer I spilled on your floor. And I’m sorry for the vomit that was just a bit too far from your bathroom. But I added to a song from Skidmore, and I read poetry to poets [No one but poets seem to support poetry.] and danced under a sky lit with love at midnight. I lost $20 in a poker game, saw a show and started a revolution.

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Things to do in New London

At Town Hallthe crowd stood idly bylike deer in headlightsheads down grazingtrusting look-outson the perimeter of the docile herdwhile, like turkey vulturesthe interested partiespulled apart what was left of the carcasscalled New London.No one said a wordmuted by their fear andmortally afraid of rockingthe electric boatthe pharmaceutical giantand the development arm –maybe their housewould be … Read moreThings to do in New London

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind