Mary Jane to the Rescue!
Canadian troops fighting Taliban militants in Afghanistan have stumbled across an unexpected and potent enemy — almost impenetrable forests of 10-feet-high marijuana plants.”
screaming at low volumes
Canadian troops fighting Taliban militants in Afghanistan have stumbled across an unexpected and potent enemy — almost impenetrable forests of 10-feet-high marijuana plants.”
"I may kill you after all this.You’ll wind up losing 20 poundsbefore I’m done with you.You’re such a dirty old man,the way you cum on my face(and make me beg for it)And you sweat like a pig!It drips into my eyes and stingsand I smell like you for hours afterwards;you’re just so disgusting,I love it." … Read morehot sex
A sad beauty on Display paying for a karma she’s got to pay with Bill Hilly on top to make her sad that orgasm is just this… So she talks too much about a million things; her mind to fast to see a way out for tomorrow. Sweet blonde hair feels real too real to … Read moreA sad beauty on Display
on the soft carpets where the Damage was the worst Did you see the burns as A new symbol of his love? Or did you just accept it As the price you pay for a Semblance of Security at night But you still dream of kindness and gentle blades of grass don’t you?
come and find me god,I am here,10 Raymond St.New London, CT 06320USA, Earthbut this must be meaningless to you,much as it has been to Santa Clause.but you… well, youjust might know howto fix everythingbecause I don’t,not anymore,not since you know where I was then?did you know my fearlike my very earthshaken open as my … Read morecome and find me god,
Never got so beat up that I couldn’t see lifefrom the barrel of hell – shiny blue and wreaking of sobriety,we fuck in solitary,from behind confinementwalls made from my own fearswhere she criesand I lieabout the night.And besides, it was not so long ago that the tearswere mine and the lies hers,but we said we would … Read morebeat up
I feel the ground beneath my feet the faces in the sand speak to me little traces of humanity in a history so filled with misery thought not of our own mortality I plant my heart in this sand sea. I say good night and bid them well those who passed over these broken shells, … Read moreSand Tombs
I will drink and drink until I am drunk with life I said I would – when? was it 10,000 years ago when I spent my days in mud and muck waiting for a lung to breath the scent of your hair across pillows, green as spring lawns manicured to hide the dangers of love? … Read moreWasted Children
split hairs until we are all there, on the door steps to hell of high water and low lands and cat tail reed stands where we can grope and feel and tie our ropes to the necks of our loves where we’ll fly off as doves without eyes to see or a beak to eat, … Read morePlanting Season
I dream of the daywhere life falls awayand the seconds pass so slowthe wind softly blowsoutside where we lie deeptogether as one, not two;I dream I’m not blue.I imagine you’re here,everything is gone but now,shadows dance along the wallsand you’re safe with meand I don’t grieve.I see a night not lost to emptinessand your hair … Read moregood bye