
The angst of Murder falls like dust to the floor, if the cause is worthy. The other day, I murdered perhaps 10’s perhaps 100’s – i didn’t even count the lives. i could have been building oil wells, pipelines, or refineries, so long as I believed the cause. But I was only moving manure. A … Read moreBioGarten


The visiting hours are over,lying in bed killing time(As if we could kill timewithout injuring eternity – Thoreau)Wondering about saintsand sausages (Moritz)and how having an archbishopin your family might belike having an American Envoyin your family,so that Basel 1,000 years agois Iraq today.A reasonable person would accept thisas proof evolution is not directedor deterministic.Or, one … Read moreécolier

Black Holes

there are those moments when the tears blind … everything becomes a star and the universe hurts. there are those moments when breath will not come … the clouds freeze and die, and nothing moves from fear. i dreamt we were all laughing, arguing over who would make coffee. the smiles and rolling sounds were … Read moreBlack Holes

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind