Why I Hit You In The Face
Delta between loves, theta is its angles; Reciprocity is an Absolute Proof
screaming at low volumes
Delta between loves, theta is its angles; Reciprocity is an Absolute Proof
i often wonder if i am too filed with rage in and out a pulsing energy i wonder sometimes where it comes from and all the answers elude me as though i were clever but they were more so heart pounding shattering and shaking earth quakes and volcanoes until it super novas judged without seeing … Read moreRage #4
it’s too big. the wrong size for such devilish delights; reserved for the undeserving. Humiliation at every turn for debasing desires, preserved for the undeserving.
The ride to the psycho ward took eternities. I napped. When I got there, I looked for cigarettes. No one had any cigarettes – it was late, everyone was in bed. I found the ashtrays in the smoking room. There were 4 half smoked butts. I pulled them out, smoked each one with long drags, … Read moreThe Nut House
great poetry, so was von gestern. heute gibt’s menu: eins oder zwei wenn eins, bekommst du wenn zwei, kommst du; in aus rein raus I used to write great poetry. ich sorgte mich um posterity. für was? Der Drücker ist gestorben; long live the printer. hier ist gestorben; ein Trauerfeir jeden Nacht zu oft draussen, … Read moreKonnte Schlimmer Sein
“You gotta write your way out.” “The only way out is through.” dear diary, shit’s gotten fucked up, i can’t remember if I was playing and forgot to say just kidding, but now i’m on pills for reals… i’m seeing 6 doctors and doing insane asylums like i’m on tour; the crazies are the only … Read moreMore Fear Than Passion
were it not for the crying – always at midnight – i might sleep soundly. but the grief at the dying day interrupts dreams, denies comfort, evacuates breath, for we do not know if the sun will rise tomorrow.
Trumpets and whiners, not lacking in courage make themselves heard, loud – never clear; Upperclass and dropped glass, vodka litters a powdered floor; remember when: we rushed through Munich’s door? What choices I have made, since I was not able to choose… for Frank, I hold onto a pair of shoes: Pistol Pete’s green and … Read moreTrumpets and Whiners
watching fights, the blood sometimes drips like the faucet on pearl street, in mystic. and the drunks, determined are as likely to piss in the house as a new puppy. Sometimes they piss on your bed, passed out and unresponsive. hustling everything, the love, the compassion i’d sell you my dreams for a bottle of … Read moreEverything Costs
Coming home, where ever it may be, Coming home, where love waits for me, Coming home, where dishes need to be done, Coming home, where life is such fun. dreaded arrivals and international gates… who waits for me, who waits for me, While i transport profits, hidden in jean pockets, who waits for me, who … Read moreautobiographies are dead memories