Dear Mr. Schumer,
I live in DC and have no representation, so I thought I would write to you since you seem to have an important vote in the upcoming confirmation of Judge Mukasey.
If you want an answer to whether waterboarding is torture (and therefore illegal), perhaps you should use the “Harsh Interrogation Technique” to get that answer. Then Mr. Mukasey can declare the practice legal or illegal since he would have first hand knowledge.
I urge you to do this on the Senate floor so that all of America can see just what is done in our name. I will say that again, in our name – YOUR name, Mr. Shumer.
I am quite serious about this – where on it’s face it seems a cruel and tasteless joke, this administration, and by extension, the nominee, seems not to think so and while they pitter-patter about with phrases like “in the heat of the battle” and “different political climate”, they are in fact trying to justify something that they would NEVER accept for themselves.
This, if there ever was such a thing, is UNAMERICAN.
As a representative of the people, please, please, please consider the legacy you leave of the America that was once free before Bush and his friends strangled the liberty from her breath.
P.S. I know you won’t actually read this, but for what it’s worth: I predict that if you confirm Mukasey, you can soon expect new policy that drastically changes the America you came from. You will find courts that are external to our Justice System w/o regard to the Constitution. You will find that the Rule of Law will apply selectively and the new norm will be something far from preserving freedom, but rather, quashing it. While it’s true that you suggested Mr. Mukasey’s name, it is no crime to go back on it. I have suggested movies several times that turned out to be lemons and I have no regrets in saying so. In this case, you have an opportunity to get a very clear preview of the movie before you actually pay … think long as to what you can expect from a man wanting to keep his friends safe from the consequences of their crimes. Think hard about the independence of the Justice Department if it were led by a man who refused to condemn a crime just because it was the President that committed it.
Please reach back into the hat and find someone else. Better this time, find someone with a record of fighting for justice and freedom.
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BRAVO….I love the P.S.