Oh – sorry, did you need some consoling after you destroyed my country?

How does the NYTimes get a “liberal” reputation with garbage like this? I mean, for reals – feel sorry for Investment bankers or IT workers getting 2x what the rest of the IT world makes for 10+ years, and now no bonus? Well, fuck-you-very-much, I have never gotten a bonus worth mentioning [e.g. is at least a weeks pay after taxes]. I’d venture that roughly 300 Million people in America never get bonuses. And now you’re sad about being a pariah?! Holy shit – as though somehow now, at this point in your deepest failures and regrets, I’m supposed to feel something other than hatred for the equivalent of of a glorified Collection Agent?
I think the major difference between this Depression-Beginning and the 1930’s depression was that Banker’s took a hit and were able to see their own stupidity – albeit just before they jumped from their office window. Today, they’ve been protected and mostly weren’t losing their money – hence this, “Why’s everyone so mad at us?” crap.
What pisses me off most about this article – the assumption that the consumer was greedy. You know why this country is fucking pissed off at Bankers? The same reasons most people dislike drug-dealers [not weed, though :-)]; they ruin people’s lives. And now that the country is in collective-rehab, the banker Money-Dealers are left in the cold trying to figure out why they suck so much.

And further, this idea that people are so greedy, they take credit to finance their “lavish lifestyles” – um, I think we all agree that only 1% of the country leads a “lavish lifestyle”; the rest are poor or middle class. What this really points to is the disparity in income that to lead a “normal” life, one must use credit, yet somehow, using credit means you’re greedy? Hang on for a fucking second – it’s greedy to want to own One home that you and your family can live in? It’s greedy to send your kids to school? It’s greedy to need a car to get to work because Public Transport funding is a joke?
So, what you’re really saying is that the American Dream is a dream of greed? I don’t think so – and I am tired of watching the Rich call the poor greedy; I think Obama was right when he told “Joe the Plumber” that it is time to start spreading the wealth. Now he needs to tell the bankers and CEOs – except this time with pizzaz, like, “thanks for the addition to the federal budget rich person – now go to jail for being an asshole.”

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