not everyone gets to say goodbye
before the great deeds are counted.
But I’ve gotten to:
I told her, Animals that eat their young
are better suited to be parents than she ever was;
she only said she loved me.
I believe it, too.
But I’ve also had whores
swear their love ’til death.
I’m no longer tricked by Alligator Tears.
I’ve spent my life in a death roll,
now I wouldn’t know what to do if it stopped.
good bye, old woman, good bye;
I’ll be gone in a bit
on one of them Big Ol’ jet planes
and I won’t see you again
before you die….
not as some kind of punishment,
but as a preservation from you
and your world class stupidity:
I hope, despite who you are, that all goes well
And you don’t sell what little is left
to the teeth of the devil:
but you know the devil… he’ll take it anyway.