Or, Why I’m not writing poetry, but rather, reading the Newspapers and hating on them, as usual. So far, my favorite thing to hate on this morning is the New York Times.
As the New York Times continues to attempt to adjust its image to a less “liberal” image, which they never have been – at least not in my life time – they pull in behind the fascists that will curb speech against Israel. In the story titled, “Charges Against Muslim Students Prompt Debate Over Free Speech“, the Times barely even brings up the question, includes a few quotes from the “Zionist Organization of American”, Jewish students, and glosses over the fact these Muslim students were penalized rather harshly for simply speaking up and airing legitimate grievances. What I find truly interesting is that not a single rebuttal was given this quote:
A spokeswoman for the district attorney’s office, Susan Schroeder, said in an interview: “It seems that the basic question is what if we substituted different groups — what if this were the Klu Klux Klan who conspired to silence a speech by Martin Luther King.”
Substitute what? Nazis, Klu Klux Klan, Al-Queda? Seems a bit one sided, no? Isn’t this the fallacy of “False Analogy”? How do we go from “Muslim Student Union” to “Klu Klux Klan”? Well, only the New York Times can tell us. Here’s my rebuttal: When the Muslim Student Union starts bombing Synagogues, murdering Jews, and generally professing a belief that Jews are sub-humans, then we can compare them to the KKK, until then, this is Hyperbole from a fascist. As if that insulting comparison isn’t enough, I can imagine MLK Jr. rolling over in his grave at being equated with the Israeli Ambassador.
Next up is a goodie from yesterday: “Mystery Over Detained American Angers Pakistan“. Now, I have to wonder what would happen to a Pakistani “attached to the Embassy” that did something similar: Driving down the road, shooting two people dead through his front windshield, then getting out and taking pictures of them. And if that’s not enough, carry around conflicting pieces of Identification… yeah, the US would just be thrilled to set them free. But, the shoe is never on the other foot.
In other news, the New York Times wants us to know that the Taliban is at least as bad as the US Military. In “Afghan Rights Groups Shift Focus to Taliban“, we learn that those responsible for Civilian Casualties have shifted from the Americans and their allies to the “Taliban”. Now, of course we know the Taliban is not the same as “Al-Qaeda”, and that our war was directed to Qaeda, etc., but… it’s good to know that American Forces just aren’t the worst out there anymore.
Sometimes it seems like the world is a Kinder-Garden, and its leaders are the 5 year olds arguing over who started something, who responded with inappropriate force, etc. Of course, the American is the cool kid in class who never gets in trouble, but causes most of it. While the New York Times is a mouthpiece for Government, there is always the cry of “They’re Worse!”, as it was in the Iraq War Logs analysis that “Detainees fared worse in Iraqi Hands, Logs Say” [than under their American Counterparts… though they still fared badly under the Americans].
So… here’s to your propaganda mouthpiece, may all those who work on it suffer herpes and armpit sores.