Lovers Rebel

Lorca! Neruda! Whitman & Elliot! Rimbaud!
Have you no Tears left
for us wasting on the road to Galicia,
in the Cafes of Santiago,
the foil’d European Revolutionaire,
between coffee spoons,
in the suburbs of Paris?

O! You sufferers, hold fast -
we, too, shall go when the world decrees
it is incapable of love!
Who are we, that we know
the failures of Mediocrity
above landings, on balconies;
what sins we must bear!

And the cries of the mob,
lonely and lost, befuddled
in their slavery: a toil born of hatred
passed on as salvation…
They will tear at our hearts
for as long as we breath love.

O! Hold on, you lovers!
The night comes too quickly
and goes before we’ve kissed.
The bed will disintegrate
as we lay upon it,
the sun will rise to our shame.

You and I, Lovers, you and I
will be home soon.
Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind