letter to Amerika

From where do you draw your power?
What source provides for your will over mine?
I can not be the subject of a single man, we agree –
so how then can I be subject to you?
If you act on behalf of a Many,
where then, is their considerations?
and from where do they draw their power?
We’ll repeat, ad infinitum.
So I ask, again, why I must submit to the will that is not mine. If I have not injured any being, then what power is there to submit my will to? I would owe no debt to a common spirit, a common body. I can not be bound against my will by words, when I can not injure words. I can not be accountable to any power, except that which I injure, and I can not agree that there is any other power, except that which is able to be injured. And I can only say that my will, my power of existence, comes from a consciousness that can not be pin pointed, but is somehow limited to my body. Of course I am capable of injuring another – and were I to do so, I would be bound by my debt to that being. But I have not, and so I can not agree that I must submit my will.
You have said I am bound to the words on a document,
written some time before I was conceived.
and never was the choice given to me on if I agreed.
if we must persist over this perceived injury,
then first we must discuss
what is between you and me.
And perhaps we can speak of, among other things,
those things you do that injure me?
I would not be opposed to share our crimes
that we could then pay towards together.
And perhaps I might gain insight into your being
that I could carry with me;
and were you to find the same in me,
would make me exceedingly happy.
then my will would have a purpose,
that it would endeavor for freely,
and I, the bearer of that conscious will,
would then truly be.

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