My niece wrote something to a group looking for response, so I neglected to read the entirety of her request and seemed to land abruptly on “Inspires” … to that I was inspired to reply. Sadly, my reply reads like a Chemical Mania summersault when I actually read the request….. But I liked it so I decided to save it, as though she asked “What inspires you?”
Hmm – inspiring? Well, when I was 16, I read “Mending Wall” by Robert Frost; it inspired me to travel to the East Coast to see the stone walls that need mending every year. Billy Brag always inspires me to Revolt against my handlers. I will often sit and listen to his songs, then write something that really Rails against the Establishment (and the dis-establishment). Then I go outside with an armload of various bottles (beer,wine,whiskey) and break them where ever I feel the urge. The sound of breaking glass inspires me to dance. Spring inspires me to find a temporary Mate; sedating the blooming lust and grievances of the previous Winter. Crying children inspire me to smile, Dying children inspire to me laugh – what else is there to do while Maniacs and Despots drown innocence in vats of Old Kentucky Bourbon and the Swiss Banks’ Secrecy?
A good muse inspires me to paint, to write, to sing and dance: a good muse knows what kind of wine to get and that, in and of itself, inspires me to create until I can not worship at the well of the universe any longer; life inspires me to die, and death, to live.
And not least, you, mon petit fleur, have inspired me to respond, and consider just how it is the things I do (through inspiration) contribute positively to the earth