I want it all,
and why shouldn’t i?
it is so sublime,
only the insane would refuse.
I want you!
on a sunday afternoon,
lazy in sunbeams
while desert dunes whip.
And when I go,
I want you, bittersweet
in empty sheets
your voice still pure in my mind.
We’ll sing on bridges
to worlds between us,
the stars no longer cursed,
arm in arm, out of tune.
And dance to solitude
where dreams are fond
and kindness is forgiveness
for futures unwritten.
For a tomorrow of pleasures!
endless in memories,
deep within a locket
where all inspiration is held.
Until we meet again
with desire refreshed
along the visceral lines
of raw intellect.
I will dream of you
among the citizens of my heart,
in challenge to my cancers
casting their mark upon history.