How Long?

so long have we ploughed,
how long?
so long have we slouched,
how long?
and still - there is so long to go!
we’ve measurements
we’ve dreams
we’ve dealt cards and landed badly.
so long we trudge,
how long?
so long we beg entrance,
how long?
so long it has been
how long?
and kings and queens are masters
as our managers and supervisors are!
how long?
so long we have demanded action
without action,
how long?
so long we have moved
without action.
how long?
we said we were men of thought.
and the world is falling down around our ears.
its fallen between minds
that were once good.
its fallen between hearts
that were once one.
its fallen between us
and we’ve no action!
So long we’ve not moved!
How Long?
Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind