hot sex

"I may kill you after all this.
You’ll wind up losing 20 pounds
before I’m done with you.
You’re such a dirty old man,
the way you cum on my face
(and make me beg for it)
And you sweat like a pig!
It drips into my eyes and stings
and I smell like you for hours afterwards;
you’re just so disgusting,
I love it."

All you need is to wiggle your ass
right up against my cock.
You can feel my pulse
while I get hard inside you –
did you want to know how my heart beats?
You never do.
But against a wall in whites-ville,
late at night with the rats and drunks,
we’ll find a dark corner
where I’ll play cupid
and pierce your heart from deep inside;
I’ve always wanted to know how your heart beats.
and when you’re done,
with cum dripping out of your ass
into your well thought out panties,
I will pretend I didn’t find your heart
and all of it is meaningless.

I’ll write you a hundred poems,
no more than any other love,
and wait for the executioner’s work to be done.
You’ll keep them and wonder
just what became of me,
after the executions.

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind