Holes To Fill

Oh, Townes, Oh, Townes,
how i wished we'd had beers
crying over lost loves
who ain't no more here.

those holes that fell
upon our childhood,
put shovels in our hands
to fill up adulthood.

been filling holes for 45 years,
across continents, throughout dreams
these holes get filled
even if it's with screams.

you were right all along,
'them holes're all that's real'
and the love i feel,
goes in to fill...
them holes that fell
when I was 12.

Oh, Townes, Oh, Townes,
I'm lost again!
Them white freight-liners all broke down,
not a drop of whiskey to pass the time,
Oh, Townes, Marie just died.

And Lucas went the way of the dead,
slit his wrists and split his head...
providence is scarce,
and love is never said.

We're all torn up, but I saw it then -
i cried already in 2010;
mourning for the future is better than
grieving for today
- here, we won't say
- just what it is we need to
- no one knows if it's true
- do you love me? do i love you?

Oh, Townes, what do we do?
great poets have answers -
do you?
Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind