hepcat fuck

two lovers cum
just off from the other
5/8 – 2/3 –
it’s a jazz rhythm
the legs, Pushed up
driven hard against walls,
Pushed from the belly,
up from the diaphragm
palm flat upon Breast,
breath in heavy beats
in/out in/out
slowing for the passion
that demands
each pore be inspected
for genius lurking
just w/in the blond follicle.
And still,
the piano fingers
run up & down
the legs braced
in Anticipation
fingers dragging
tourists to beautiful islands,
waves, snow, ice capped
Rolling Rolling
Running along
those legs
those ladders
to ethereal palaces
for dreams
held against
their will.
dreams dreamt
as lips curve
ribs and bellies
and all the tongues
around the world
step off the platform
and directly in
front of A
train …
of Pianos.

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind