So, here’s this guy, Hamdan. The Army says he drove Osama bin Laden around Afghanistan. He’s somewhat famous because of his challenges to the Military … um, arbitrary imprisonment, I guess you could call it. Here’s my problem with this whole thing – the point man for prosecution, the “Most Wanted”, the dangerous and villainous Mr. Hamdan WAS A FUCKING DRIVER! He drove a car – seriously, is the Military so fucking retarded that they haul up drivers? This is really a Fantastic story – the dangerous lives of Chauffeurs. Seriously, if it wasn’t life in prison (and what prison will it be; there in America?), it would be the funniest thing going. We should charge Bush’s driver with Material Support for an Idiot, but then we’d have to charge the Supreme Court that installed him in 2000, all his aids and of course, the weak willed and lily livered Congress. Now that I think about it, maybe it’s not such a silly idea after-all, if it’s applied to the right people.
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