Good Ol’ frontline …

Frontline is always a very good show, and this one continues it. Though, my single critique is that, while it obviously answers many questions, it ends with only the hint of the real question: If credit is required to live the lifestyle that defines the middle class, without it, wouldn’t there be a much smaller middle class? And doesn’t that lead to the question: why aren’t American’s being paid enough to live the middle class lifestyle? Is this the lesson of the 80’s 20 years too late? Or is consumerism no longer cool? And if that’s the case, what does middle class mean? Is a house, a yard, a TV and a computer no longer it? And the clothes, the gadgets, the products – hair product, cleaning product, bath product… how generically broad our desires are.
At the end of this, I’m left hating the predator and the prey – the former for the bone chilling coldness ruthlessly applied to the prey, and the latter for rolling over time and again, willing serfs refusing to revolt against an untenable master. And I’m afraid there’s no New World to incubate the next rounds of change.

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind