good byes

You had fallen from the sky,
a drop of water, nothing more.
and still it filled my cup:
an ocean upon a shore.

You were clouds above my head,
lightning dripping to the floor,
spread out inside your kiss,
I only wanted one kiss more.

how have I so been fooled,
my own heart is a betrayal.
My mind has simplified
what it is that makes me frail.

i am too sly to give up
what it is that is not me,
the thing that I am searching,
i know you’ll never be.

This storm upon my love
can not forever be the same:
the faces always changing
always changing with the name.

But your water quenched a thirst,
and your fingers provided comfort
to the dying and the sick,
it was hardly any effort.

and so I will wake,
and leave you once again,
a kiss upon your lips (one more)
for it is not what it was then.

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind