Asked the question: How do you feel about Progressive?, I have responded thus —>
Apart from the fact that as an insurance company, you have made me feel *LESS* secure, by way of menacing letters and financial insecurity through exorbitant rates for a thing that I am required by law to have (however, there is no law requiring you provide this service at a reasonable rate), and the ridiculousness of your requirements – apart from all of that, I am truly dismayed that you would also charge me $50 to cancel my policy. TO CANCEL MY POLICY I HAVE TO PAY $50! What do I gain for my $50? What additional value has been provided to me for my $50? I’ll tell you – for my $50, I am free of you.
As a company (and to the reader working for this despicable company, the embodiment of the snake) you should be ashamed that you make people pay $50 to leave them alone. How is this any different than a mob thug requiring local shops to pay him to be left alone? I’m sure you can provide the reason, which does not excuse your behavior, that it costs you money to cancel a policy before its term expires. However, that reason fly’s in the face of Marketplace Economics – you’re cost is only the cost of losing business because you are incompetent and difficult to deal with. For that reason, you should have to pay me $50 to have put up with you for as long as I have.
Your ethics are severely lacking, and your enterprise as a whole is rooted in selfishness and ultimately, self destruction. Unfortunately, the demise of your organization can not come soon enough. Sadly, with shrewd minds paralleling the criminal who finds every which way to cheat, I can predict that your organization will simply re-create it’s exterior with flashy new clothes, perhaps even a new name, and still be the same societal parasite as you have always been.
Dear reader, I urge you to stop where you are, and demand a certain moral turpitude that is lacking in your business. For the sake of your own soul (which may not have even been aware of itself before), do what your heart tells you is right and I’m sure it will not be: take all that you can as quickly as you can, and when that fails, get one last gouge in and make them pay to be left alone. For you, dear reader, I have hope. For you, vile organization, I’ve nothing but contempt and a sincere desire to see the very walls that are your make up crumble.
OH YEAH…that’s a good one !! I used to work in the insurance business. It’s completely corrupt.
Yeah, the insurance companies, despite having *some* regulations, are generally no better than low pimps who beat their whores. Sadly, we’re the whores.