Mr. Bush

SHUT THE FUCK UP! I’m tired of your suck up talk to me about values preach to me about morals Yea, right… And justice for All. When you Raped lady liberty you weren’t strappin’ a jimmy now your bastard children roam around calling themselves “homeland security”. And you’re not a fascist ’cause you think you … Read moreMr. Bush

Total Despair

I have seen the Count of the Dead. I imagine each life gone as one more in a Give-a-thon Until the goal of total despair is reached. I live in a new world Where things I can not see Bounce around and are me, Threatening me with mutually assured destruction. Certainly in empires there is … Read moreTotal Despair

Metaphysical Seamstress

Most days I’m content to go to bed and let rumble through my head the various details of the day: what went well, what went badly? What did I want to do tomorrow? It has only recently occurred to me that these are the very same thoughts I think when kissing someone I either don’t care about, or am no longer interested in. Now I have to wonder if this means I’m not even that interested in myself. But, last night was a kindly-dash-to-sleep as soon as I lay my weary head down. And it was weary. It wasn’t so long ago that I could live on 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night. But it also wasn’t terrifically recent either. And what prompted this great sleep, you may inquire? Well, it was a tremendous feeling of satisfaction.

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Wondering Lonely

You (in all your glory) have me (in my submissive posturing) wondering about you and your glory and how that might be just me wishing you were an angel, sent from somewhere to save me from something that I might never know about, here to alleviate this profound loneliness (oozing) from too many nights alone, … Read moreWondering Lonely

Train Trash Tracks

an act of genius has proclaimedall lands between the tracksand the fence by the streetto be the dumping groundsfor throwaway children of disemboweled lives –        I know this because I’m on the train        and the lives are scattered down hillsides        to meet me traveling south, waving hello        just as the children did a hundred years ago        when the U.P. came … Read moreTrain Trash Tracks

Smoke Signals

NO POETRY FOR THIS SMOKE just signals for life to turn direction to clear this world’s complexion. I’m asking for stasis in remote places with my silly smoke signals that more won’t die – each breath is part of me gone I want to live so I hope they see my smoke.

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind