never trust her

she says I should never trust her,all while she can’t stand upand I’ve fallen over twice:i’m grappling for her cuntand fumbling badly: pulling pubic hair.she’ll give me whatever, she tells me,she really does love as much as she can,      do I know?I know. I really do know and feel…and the way she stabs at my … Read morenever trust her


the chill in the windhas failed to cool this desire;I’ve won – for tonight –this struggle to master the heart. A victory paradeof Autumn’s quiet leavescelebrating in the street,cheering us oninto blissfull acceptance, rolling in the piles ofconfetti the trees havethrown down in their praise; grand standing – stars beaming joy;moon grinning ear to ear; … Read morev-day

On Self Determination

There has been much-ado regarding a woman’s right to sexual & reproductive freedom in our Union of late. To say there is controversy is to belittle the feelings that have motivated violence and uproar from both sides. The highest court in our land has ruled, not once, but several times on the issue, and still it lingers with a foul smell. Our politicians wax and wane to pander to the ideologies of each side and, seemingly to me, fuel this debate with nonsense and non-sequiturs.
There is, however, a question or perspective that has not been addressed by the courts, the politicians or any of the followers of either side of the Abortion debate: Does a Government have the ability to determine the freedoms we may exercise upon our own corporeal bodies? This question does not rest with reproductive freedom, but rather with all freedoms to do as we will to our only, to be sure, property from cradle to grave: the self.
I put forward the argument that the jurisdiction of the state is ended at the boundaries of our skin when it comes to codifying behaviors directed at ourselves. This includes abortion, drug use, suicide, which involves exactly one physical party – the self.

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Slow Kids

He was an average kid filled with average stupidty and reasonably clear skin for being in 8th grade and I didn’t really give a shit about him. His sister was in the grade below us and I couldn’t stop thinking about her: white puffy sleeved blouses, full lips and dark brown hair on a creamy face. I wanted to fuck her under the bleachers during a football game and leave her quivering without my load, declaring her unworthy of my seed. I’m not sure why. She never said anything to me and I never even got to know her. I felt a little guilty for imagining that about her.

But she’s unimportant, afterall, I never stabbed her. It was her brother that started the whole mess. George fucking Harrington had a knack for instigating a violent reaction and appearing the martyr. I’d seen it several times. Anyway, most of this is unimportant, except that I wound up stabbing him in the hand with my pencil and then hitting him across the head and body by swinging my desk into him. It wasn’t that big a deal; the pencil went right through and except for a little bleeding from the skin tearing, it missed anything important and left mostly a bruise, and the desk was more visually effective than anything else, since I hadn’t gotten a good enough swing by the seat back and the angle was awkward so that it more glanced than belted.

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hot sex

"I may kill you after all this.You’ll wind up losing 20 poundsbefore I’m done with you.You’re such a dirty old man,the way you cum on my face(and make me beg for it)And you sweat like a pig!It drips into my eyes and stingsand I smell like you for hours afterwards;you’re just so disgusting,I love it." … Read morehot sex

   on the soft carpets where

   on the soft carpets where the Damage was the worst    Did you see the burns as A new symbol of his love?    Or did you just accept it As the price you pay for a    Semblance of Security at night But you still dream of kindness    and gentle blades of grass       don’t you?

Sand Tombs

I feel the ground beneath my feet the faces in the sand speak to me little traces of humanity in a history so filled with misery thought not of our own mortality I plant my heart in this sand sea. I say good night and bid them well those who passed over these broken shells, … Read moreSand Tombs

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind