Please dear heart, do not starve
for there the clouds do part;
I see the rays of our Sun’s love
warming my poet’s heart.
I feel the rain of spring renewed
after the bite of winter’s longest day
and in its warmth I find your smile
from these words; I draw my pay.
I am the sheep that you must tend
as I will give you my wool,
but as all sheep will wander lost,
so too will I feel the lost fool
to dance alone on these days of peace;
mournful of my lonely plight,
forgetting that the truest love
is so often hidden out of sight
where two lovers’ distance
can be felt in the ache from my chest.
It’s then that my heart beats wildly against my ribs
to get to my lover’s breast
Life Lines
baby, tell me you love me.Lie to me tonight.“About what?”Anything, baby, anythingmake me believe in somethingsomething that could be realanything to hold ontowhen the floods comeand I forget how to swim.“There’s no need to lie.”Baby, please, just for tonightgive me a branch to hold onto;can’t you see Love’s Rivertaking me into the rapids?Please, toss me … Read moreLife Lines
December 8th, 2006
oh, beloved, I can not fight your love! I am in you and you in me. I desire you to madness; your being consumes me (I Must Consume You) Awareness has gone to be with the mortals that will not know god. It is not their fault they can not see you: the million beasts … Read moreDecember 8th, 2006
After Leaving Georgetown
her kiss leaves me wanting more than i’ve been in some time, an aspiration for souls to touch from the inside out. her smile beckons me on to places i’ve been, but not been. to gardens and deserts where rain pours in soft tears from god’s eyes to mine.
Why I Couldn’t Care Less
long drives to war zones with my invaders’ uniform on: air raid sirens going off, sniper in kitchen windows, Gatling guns in her eyes; I’m waiting to have my throat cut in the name of peace and good will. I will not go back to the front – that failed mission of love: you can … Read moreWhy I Couldn’t Care Less
Notes to Pass On
We’d been drinking all afternoon; hot sun outside, inside ogling the whores that stood drinking right alongside us, sure that we’d never spend the money unless we came in with an ear to ear grin. I couldn’t see very well; double, sometimes triple. she’d told me that morning, after I woke up; coming to with … Read moreNotes to Pass On
ode to a muse
left your touch on high now fires start: whole lifetimes made into deserts; fidgeting night long, dying thank you for breath: come morning, trees suspend sky line drives grown out of last nights fires; carnitas aphrodisiac: come evening, left your touch on high.
Shoot The Pigs
When one people have declared war on another, and have plotted to injure, oppress, and subdue those peaceful peoples, when is it right to rise up and defend those peaceful? And is defense simply removing oneself from harm’s way or does it involve an active offense? I don’t have the answer; instead, I’ve got ideals that say no violence is OK, no attack is OK, only living the way you need to live is, come what may. But these ideals don’t address the rage inside of my body, that every single cell pulsates with, as I watch videos like this. I have have been photographed, videotaped and, I’m sure, taken a little notice of. I don’t delude myself that I would be so important to the police state that they would plot against me; however, it seems you don’t have to be very important.
Grieving the Found
is winter so dreadful that I should expire the spring in bloom for my fear of its perpetual decay? letting snows fall in Autumn’s glory dampen the sounds of light hearted chatter where truest confessions fall to close to that which had rotted away. Was it so many years that sleep had reigned; or did … Read moreGrieving the Found
What will I do? Who will I see? Questions that plague me. Where will I live? What will I eat? is there a Love I’m destined to meet? Angel in the capital, dangling with my hat full meeting on steps to see pictures of Venus; I will dream us.