The Closet

There’s an empty spot, now, in the closet. The hangars are gone where the sweaters were. The blond at the end of the bar has stories to tell, but I won’t listen. The pony tail turns me on, the lean into things is a tease I barely notice. All I can think of is the … Read moreThe Closet

The court that thinks itself supreme risks its soul

First of all, I’m not a lawyer – I do, in point of fact, have a soul.

Second, the Supreme Court is hardly supreme, given their serious flaws in

Recently, the US Supreme Court handed down an opinion on the constitutionality
of the 2003 federal statute titled “Partial Birth Abortion Ban” that sided
with the ban, throwing out many years of commonly accepted jurisprudence.
Well, it would be prudent to point out the flaws in the logic, and further to
propose a definition with which the Court can provide clear direction in the

Read moreThe court that thinks itself supreme risks its soul

Dichotomy of Being

It is me; It is not me: There are two sides: that which I owe and that which I want. Where may I go for what I want? I know too well where I owe; my heart craves importance, but must pay penalties as a tertiary thought of tomorrow.

Made Love

Baby, let your hair grow out to tangle me into your body; spread your fingers over my sex and pull my soul into your web of kindness and safety in moist warmth. Baby, let your eyes see soft edges free from harsh contemporary distinctions between the circle and the square where we are not separated … Read moreMade Love

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind