
the petals of every flower that has ever been, the rose, the tulip, the wild dandelion; none of these will ever wrest my heart from your hold. the light of every full moon, blue and red will not shine brighter than that which beams from your eyes. These days of happiness are but tokens for … Read moreyou


sweet voice, honey from lips, I glanced the Matterhorn and then could not find you. how my hands long for you, independent of me – the same as my eyes; we share the desire that your voice draws out, like the harpists fingers on the taught strings of my soul. Darling smile, butterfly on the … Read moreetheral

I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care …..

I read the papers on the Internet: the New York Times, the Washington Post, the L.A. Times, etc. They report on the current state of the U.S. For the most part, it’s somewhat accurate. They tell me that the Government of that free country is spying and monitoring its people. They say that rights granted by the Government are violated by them. They tell me about the waste and graft that goes on in the halls of Government. They extol the atrocities of war and a Government hell bent on power and control.

Read moreI don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care …..


my body catch on fire when I wrapped in your arms; I’m feelin shivers my spine, you bring out tiger in me take sea from sand in great desire of wave. Beautiful liar, abducted dreams, imaginary fingers play strings attached a rib, Eve kiss me say me there is no god but you – one … Read moreuntitled

Irish Lass

sweet lilting irish lass, take me across your sea that moats you heart. sweet lilting irish lass, show me the way to your finest pints. sweet lilting irish lass, let me drink your essence where your fears melt and my courage grows from whiskey shots and my reddened nose. sweet lilting irish lass leave your … Read moreIrish Lass

The Graduates

I can’t see, for this joy has consumed my eyes and my breath is short, stolen by the greatness of this moment. the heart: beating overtime running me to an early grave; should I die on this night … it will be just fine, just right.

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind