Um, Whatever…
La Fontaine
La Fontaine Das Manifest zum Kampf gegen das ewig Gegebene und für die Ästhetik des ewig Bewegten Wenn Sie dies lesen, sind Sie entweder schwul oder nicht. Sie können sich also mit mindestens jemandem von uns identifizieren. Stellen Sie sich unseren Aufruhr vor, als wir die Wahrheit über Frida Khalo und Diego Rivera erfuhren. Wie … Read moreLa Fontaine
So, I finally got around to getting another server and importing the last export – from March, 2010. So, April, May, June are gone. It’s ok, I wasn’t so prolific then. But, a special someone moved in and helped (really, I helped, she worked) get the office cleaned up and usable. In the mean time, … Read moreUpdates
Ideal Freedom
Ahhh – when the ideal of Freedom is almost revered, it is not, in fact, mere idealism; it is a reinforcing event that multiplied, achieves an ideal.
Happy 420
oh – and happy 420 🙂
spiffying up for spring
So, I’ve decided to spiffy up the site for spring… You can see the beginnings on the front page. Obviously, I need to pair down and reduce some bandwidth. Of course, at the same time, I’d really like to get another service provider, but for $12 a month, it’s hard to beat – despite the … Read morespiffying up for spring
Reason Determines Value
Another Drink to Get Through when the shaking stops – I will save the world Monday Afternoons; afterthoughts. The prejudiced have already decided, what, then, is fate, exactly? And Suicide – In truth we will be free. It was the shoe that no longer had a foot, or was it that Kiss? Reason Determines Value
Something out on the Horizon
I have become bored. I have learned enough german to get by and have light and sometimes onerous dark conversations about death and sadness. This happens when you look through sunglasses on a nighttime day. I haven’t written much in some time, so little, in fact, that I have considered renouncing the title “Poet”. But, … Read moreSomething out on the Horizon