for Christopher

it’s fucked. no question about it. it’s sick, it’s twisted, it’s fucking insane! it’s gross – putrid and burns the nose! it is the world today. FINALLY! Fucking Finally! it is a glorious day! it is a day to rejoice not in the asshole biblical sense, but to really see the destruction as the clay … Read morefor Christopher

Shit Beer

when phil pointed out the beer i’d bought was alkoholfrei, i wanted to fucking murder my useless, assuming, eyes. after enduring the bureaucratic humiliation game, a cold beer was really what was needed. they wouldn’t take 3 poems and a small drawing for a 33k tax bill. in the case of faceless institutions like the … Read moreShit Beer

untitled #39

i cut off the tip of my left ring finger. it bled like a fountain, but maybe a bit less. i blamed the dull knife, but reason dictates circumstances come with facts – dull doesn’t cut it. i keep hurting myself, because i can’t acknowledge intrinsic vulnerability, despite it’s fluid consistency with temporal logic: nothing … Read moreuntitled #39

Untitled #23380-2

i am an instance of the universe. a short fall of attributes left me believing i was human. unfettered awareness. i am an instance of myself, circular with infinite angles: to know and not know all of them, sadness & joy. myself, instantiated, in this form [so fragile, waiting to break open that greatness might … Read moreUntitled #23380-2

Reasonable Bars

There’s no Reasonable bars at a bank. None even in a big train station. The lack of a Reasonable bar Says all you need to know about good ol’ Zuri. The women are equally rapacious: always talking about traveling, getting out of here. I understand the tendency, but we only want to leave because there’s … Read moreReasonable Bars

stiller’s an asshole

fuck an A man, CIA man. fucking tears, bastards from redemption, freedom always just around the corner: when will acceptance acknowledge death? this ache of disagreeability, presence. how shall I inform the prison guards I could have escaped 1000 times already? but for my desire not to humiliate them, I remain their prisoner, indefinitely. Stiller, … Read morestiller’s an asshole

coded messages

cold dreamy steel, sweating in bed, the dreams i have swirling in my head where i’m always the monster, never a god, and without decency, I couldn’t even be… I should have been a murderer, devoid of sadness for ruthless deeds. I should have been a knocker, send that bovine to its knees. The barking … Read morecoded messages

I <3 War

Dear Refugee from Wars of Our Own Making, I love you. I love that you walked, ran, swam, took buses, trains and bicycles to flee a war that we custom made for you. I love that you exist – without your existence, I would have to simply hate war but your sweet innocence defiled fills … Read moreI <3 War

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind