
Battle ship greyI’d like to chip that paint awayfrom my January skyto show the peaceful blueunder which I used to love you.I’d like to love a new –may I nowor shall I wait?I wish to knowmy little heart’s fate.

Impressionists @ Lyman Allen

I hate your paintings like my grandmother’s sundays in front of laurence welk. You bore         -not into my soul until I’m shaken with Rage at your chance at immortality I want mine I want razor blades across your impressions     in pastel

Noah’s Arc

My thoughts are hampered by my penA wretched human invention;a sad intellectual temptationto jot and rotwith the words now solidon paper as fragileas our soulsto be thrown awaywhen comes the daya death certificate to sign -Will my pen outlast this time?Or will another’s make the markforgetting me with the other pigeons    in the parkto have coffee … Read moreNoah’s Arc

Things to do in New London

At Town Hallthe crowd stood idly bylike deer in headlightsheads down grazingtrusting look-outson the perimeter of the docile herdwhile, like turkey vulturesthe interested partiespulled apart what was left of the carcasscalled New London.No one said a wordmuted by their fear andmortally afraid of rockingthe electric boatthe pharmaceutical giantand the development arm –maybe their housewould be … Read moreThings to do in New London

Untitled #13

Out on the horizon where the sky dances with the earth, I spent last night dreaming of a love that passed through this life with all the chances of an everyday For possibilities infinite. What blessing is it to know the stranger you will love         again and again?

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Congress Heights is a sight of sadness and doom Yet they all seem to somehow get through. Me in my whiteness and they in their blue; which one of us is really getting through this thicket of options in a toothpaste society where more is just more and less is just fighting (hunger) Can we … Read more– Get More –


Win and I talked last night I wish you’d have been there. We spoke of friends & friendship and this culture lacking love. We went on about our questions to devine our true selves – —gay or straight, bent & broken. We agreed the greeks knew best. They knew that gay was happy with the … Read moreHappy

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind