Untitled #21

I have stolen myselffrom TV DinnersDreaming of Jeanieon velvet coucheswhere rooms force exclusionand small childrenare too cruel -I will strike withmy stolen teeth from Omahaand all it’s wild kingdomsagainst those that wouldhave me locked in basementswaiting for punishmentsthat already were.With spotlessly cleansed mouthI mouth these words…I am more than your self-loathing,more than your love, I … Read moreUntitled #21

Haiku Triptych

drop a dollar on the bar tonight for me tomorrow we die. Funeral pyre of drinks gone to far tomorrow we fly. Empty nest syndrome she worries about her heart tomorrow black eyes.

Untitled #18

Cry little boy.It’s just how life is.Doesn’t get much better,you just get used to it.Fat people are made fun of,you become a joke.Insecurities are pushed on you,and you’ll eventually give in.

Untitled #73

I want to masturbateinto a frenzy of dirtrising out of the plains –the guts of my soul.I want to fill the spacesbetween the lands withmy seed, forever rollingand forever loving.I want to tie my tonguein knots of grape vinesheld by string elicitedby my children’s fingers,frail in their 18 hour joybehind the man’s spinning wheel.I want … Read moreUntitled #73

IHOP Dreams

Continents from home-Swirling Beauties-like me, 5 hours from home7 hours now,9 years sinceis there prime in all these odds?Odd beauties float aroundButterfly wings beating my heartmy soul, where I lovemore deeply than I could hateBirds on wires greetinggrey over cast – waiting the rush out.We’ll pay penance for crimesin past livesor will it work out … Read moreIHOP Dreams

Joe Berry

Joe Berry was a bank robber went down in ’69 Got paroled in ’73 after doing a little time. No regrets and he wasn’t sorry except for a daughter he knew about in ohio Said he’d do it again,     everything just the same except for his daughter in Ohio. A war hero with some medals … Read moreJoe Berry

Caged Bird

The first man to hold a bird in a cage found himself that bird of rage. I was a horrible child smearing passion across a wild landscape of lovers playing second fiddle to my true love, the Sphinx’s riddle. I wreaked havoc on church bells, I railed against imaginary hells and when my devils got … Read moreCaged Bird

Not Today

Some people have sometimes been something but I have always been something just not quite the thing I have always wanted to be. so to Hell with Being Any Thing They want me to be today. Not Today.

Gregory Taylor

There was a shine in his eyeswhen Rage was home.Like spring dreams,his cheeks would rouge.I did not want to coweror even dance.My dreams held a kisson his pursed lips.I would eat the stabsof dagger tonguein awe of the delicate flowersperched around his nose,where all I could thinkwas to smell him.I felt the holes in his … Read moreGregory Taylor

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind