
wir sind auslander; haben nichtswir wollen nicht zu integrierenalso schrieben wir diesesauf unsere knockenmit unsere blut und leben…ist es moglich,das du mich [mein kultur]magst?

Blocking the Exit

Uh oh, you’ve done it again. Too many drugs, too little time; the world will spin for you and under you and over you. It’s too late; not even the magic doctors with their serums and utensils can stop the opening void in reality. You believe in conspiracies. You follow threads of actions from start … Read moreBlocking the Exit

little animals

There was a moment when you said, “Affair” in that way only European women can. I swear something inside me soared and danced before I shut the door; how the imagination wanders across the plains of futures.

empty rote recognition

ethereal, empty of Me; i exist in retail therapy: you can see my history from all the material I was. shoes, paintings, a necklace, international business trips… a sordid business this love, buying the competition treats! Pictures for who I was not delivered to the wrong address only shatter the dream when curiosity has killed … Read moreempty rote recognition


I’m throwing up in the alley, while the whore has my cock in her mouth and i can’t remember how i got there; leaning over to ask who she is what is she doing? here it is, the days passing, the hours peeling away like the dead skin around scabs. and what do I feel? … Read moreworthless

dead jackrabbit

… and in those deserts, those dunes lie the children of those dunes. the only time anyone is out there is when they’re looking for something. there’s a wholeness to the sadness; not this schizophrenic pursuit of happiness. the neanderthal dream, water coming to you, food coming to you, sex coming to you, it coming … Read moredead jackrabbit

Big and Small

he was a tall man often dark – spring until fall. bye and bye he became a small man always white – inside scared all year round. i never saw him so beautiful: when he was small and as afraid as I had always been. I dreamed of destroying him when he was small in … Read moreBig and Small

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind