Oh Mother

not everyone gets to say goodbye before the great deeds are counted. But I’ve gotten to: I told her, Animals that eat their young are better suited to be parents than she ever was; she only said she loved me. I believe it, too. But I’ve also had whores swear their love ’til death. I’m … Read moreOh Mother


most mornings, i can’t see from the water filling my eyes, it’s sticks and stones that make everything blurry. my chest caves in with the weight of a new day, and the light takes away life’s defining edges. There is no hope, forty or fifty more years of every morning tears: dying is how we … Read moremornings

lost today

i lost today; all things, gone. awoke to the sun’s goodbye. awoke to evening’s disenfranchisement. lost my clubhouse a while ago, a victim of fear. lost dreams, loves, voices… [i only took the drugs to be more … acceptable] time gone and gone again and times… oh the times. i won’t see anyone tonight. (but … Read morelost today

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind