
Harems of forgiveness for all we have done, zu seriose genomen! I would have your crimes, all of the decency hidden behind eyes glimmering in firelight; I would have you that I might one day forgive my own trespasses.

Avoiding the Point

when she wrote of her disdainfor monogamy,I smiled.when she wrote “soul mates”I cringedwhen she wrote aboutgiving unconditionally,I winced.When she stormed out,moon stomping across the patio,and grabbed her phone,she said, “I don’t trust you!”I couldn’t suppress my laughter:No one ever lies about the future.

Heat Exhaustion

the nooncooks appetitesaway,cold nightsturnlong days.how we forgetwhat was saidand happy linesare misread,until it is biterand disillusioned:admitted confusion.wicked tonguesthat let nothing freepin wicked desiresto pine trees,why can’t we just saywe only want to fuck,when the affectionsits down, stuck?these foolish symbolsmade from sounds,interpreted:the teeth of hounds,a biteor a bark.let it be dark,interpretation is an artthat revolvesoutside of … Read moreHeat Exhaustion

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind