How Long?

so long have we ploughed, how long? so long have we slouched, how long? and still – there is so long to go! we’ve measurements we’ve dreams we’ve dealt cards and landed badly. so long we trudge, how long? so long we beg entrance, how long? so long it has been how long? and kings … Read moreHow Long?

A Hardplatz

out my window, a murder of machines flocking to pick the carcass of my Platz, Once so stoic, so patient as it caressed Junkies under the bridge and echoed the smashing of empty wine bottles across the train tracks. But she will be beautiful again, even if it is the glamour of having no soul. … Read moreA Hardplatz

Stories of Lives

Three Ugly Cunts digging around in full wallets to provide a pittance to beggars. So proud of themselves, grinning, as thought it were a test. the high is ruined by these Cunts, so disconnected that it is a story and not a life.

Rage #4

i often wonder if i am too filed with rage in and out a pulsing energy i wonder sometimes where it comes from and all the answers elude me as though i were clever but they were more so heart pounding shattering and shaking earth quakes and volcanoes until it super novas judged without seeing … Read moreRage #4

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind