On the Eve of the Ausschaffungs initiative

Failures, at even inhumanity! democratize slavery, humility comfortable concentration camps – how your small penis envies even the tiny penis of Hitler! on your knees before Colonial Corporate American Empires – and still you fail! ball-less bitches suffering Tiny syndrome, your politeness does not mask the putrid stench of your heart; it only ruins dinner … Read moreOn the Eve of the Ausschaffungs initiative


it was all so innocent … late nights, under the misty rain, lit by the grins of leering pervert street-lamps; and now, it is the angry stench of death in the morning, rotting from hurts unhealed, from wounds filled with salt, that rapes, with such glee, that long ago innocence. a fan of history would … Read moreUntitled

loving tragedy

allow me to humiliate myself;it is ultimately strength,though it appears to bea long wrought torture:car crash,bus crash,train crash,cruise ship crash,parachute that doesn’t open,lips that don’t kiss,fires at a school,mass murders,targeted assassinations,cities destroyed in earthquakes,bombs falling on unsuspecting children,hands that don’t hold,mountains that slide away,melting antarctic ice shelf,the slaughter of nature:a body un-caressable.i can not helpbut … Read moreloving tragedy

On Losing

god damn universe, fate, destiny and all that shit!god damn it all into oblivion, into a trajectory that misses every heart.the cold death of frozen lips,stared at while they turned blue.We blame it on needles and things that steal your soulbut a career isn’t as spectacular a death as the needle,and still less than lying … Read moreOn Losing

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind