untitled #19
You sleep like lions stalk i’m no diner worthy. just watching you dream, i would lay down for you to eat me.
screaming at low volumes
You sleep like lions stalk i’m no diner worthy. just watching you dream, i would lay down for you to eat me.
two lovers cum just off from the other 5/8 – 2/3 – it’s a jazz rhythm the legs, Pushed up driven hard against walls, Pushed from the belly, up from the diaphragm palm flat upon Breast, breath in heavy beats in/out in/out slowing for the passion that demands each pore be inspected for genius lurking … Read morehepcat fuck
Momentarily reeling, head trying to spin stuck to an ugly body: it is the curse of thought. And all I can think of are my dirty fingers pinching the wet skin, the pelt of warm invitations squeezing firmly these lips hidden in pubic-hair forests, when, puckered by my pinching grimy digits, I plunge (never as … Read moretoo much, never enough
it’s a Brutal Sun that exposes my sins … A gruff voice describing my own failures … He says, “angel” and the moment clarifies: the price is words.
Jump out of your eyes until attention is all that’s left; dower corpses animated on chemistry wasted upon chemical swaps / swamps. [ was it your voice ] [ I once dreamed ] [ each saturday night? ] it was not certainly
Nico goes to Jail. Sunday Morning we drink beer & Gin. In winter, the socks aren’t enough to keep you sober, or out of Jail. In Our World, the Absurd is the Norm and all the dying is just living backwards.
The interior of a relationship is strangely grotesque. it resembles a vivisection – taken organ by organ, they are foul sights for disconcertion but as a whole, well, goddesses of beauty abound. in that return to child speak and incest, a noble display – either contentment, or resentment, we not in the circle conclude ourselves … Read moreLove Overheard
I will dream of us without wars and without judgments. I will dream of us in naked bliss on warm Sundays. I will dream of us without heads of light bending our moods down. I will dream of us touching from seed to now and back again. I will dream of us where no religion … Read moreI Am God
To Fiona some things you said to me tonight weren’t very nice… she didn’t care about or even want me out and I could have loved that couldn’t be a thing that one would say on a night after a day like today. were it not for your temptations at extrapolated exaggerations I would think … Read moreConversations with Fiona and Cleo
I fucked my last fuck for an interview. A dick they asked me to chew, but I can’t ‘cause i choke back tears. it’s been like that for years. Let me see! fog-less and in color “Please let me see” I say to the girl in front of the snake cages. I’ve wasted ages. now … Read moretravels below radar