Stories of Lives

Three Ugly Cunts digging around in full wallets to provide a pittance to beggars. So proud of themselves, grinning, as thought it were a test. the high is ruined by these Cunts, so disconnected that it is a story and not a life.

Rage #4

i often wonder if i am too filed with rage in and out a pulsing energy i wonder sometimes where it comes from and all the answers elude me as though i were clever but they were more so heart pounding shattering and shaking earth quakes and volcanoes until it super novas judged without seeing … Read moreRage #4

the Dying day

were it not for the crying – always at midnight – i might sleep soundly. but the grief at the dying day interrupts dreams, denies comfort, evacuates breath, for we do not know if the sun will rise tomorrow.

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind