Broken Teeth
in fire
there is renewal,
if not freedom.
screaming at low volumes
in fire
there is renewal,
if not freedom.
you ain’t traveled a mile
if you ain’t cried for a hundred,
Qualified Greatness, a long list of accomplishments where nothing is still and everything is moving. But trysts last only so long. Is it measurable, our failures, they way Success is incest? And when I go will our Accomplishments be Qualified, or merely Quantified?
Lorca! Neruda! Whitman & Elliot! Rimbaud! Have you no Tears left for us wasting on the road to Galicia, in the Cafes of Santiago, the foil’d European Revolutionaire, between coffee spoons, in the suburbs of Paris? O! You sufferers, hold fast – we, too, shall go when the world decrees it is incapable of love! … Read moreLovers Rebel
so long have we ploughed, how long? so long have we slouched, how long? and still – there is so long to go! we’ve measurements we’ve dreams we’ve dealt cards and landed badly. so long we trudge, how long? so long we beg entrance, how long? so long it has been how long? and kings … Read moreHow Long?
out my window, a murder of machines flocking to pick the carcass of my Platz, Once so stoic, so patient as it caressed Junkies under the bridge and echoed the smashing of empty wine bottles across the train tracks. But she will be beautiful again, even if it is the glamour of having no soul. … Read moreA Hardplatz
i had to stop reading for fear that i was simply restating the wisdom prior to me. you can’t discover anything if you read about it all… that’s why I’ve always hated university students: They’ve never contemplated the humiliation of a lost bar fight, though they’ve already read 100 times about it. They can tell … Read moreWhy I Stopped Reading
I said, “Do what you want.” I hadn’t considered that she would also want to confess.
I guess it’s impolite to walk around drinking from a whiskey bottle. A wine bottle, too, for that matter. In Europe, we walk down sidewalks holding beer in our hands. It’s not illegal here, which I find nice. People don’t like you and they stare, sometimes meanly. But they don’t beat you or humiliate you. … Read moreBeer In Europe
there are Fuckers out there that are stealing tears. They go around looking for the saddest bad-off wretched bastards, and they collect their tears like a milk maid takes the cow’s milk from her child. We don’t think our tears important, in fact, we are embarrassed by them. But once they’re stolen, we learn their … Read moreHow To Keep Your Tears