
I just finished watching this and thought of an interesting idea. What if these communities being foreclosed on would get together with the victims and purchase the houses back at a fraction of the inflated original purchase price. Then, the community, as a whole, owns this house. They could offer to rent it to the … Read moreStolen

Oh – sorry, did you need some consoling after you destroyed my country?

How does the NYTimes get a “liberal” reputation with garbage like this? I mean, for reals – feel sorry for Investment bankers or IT workers getting 2x what the rest of the IT world makes for 10+ years, and now no bonus? Well, fuck-you-very-much, I have never gotten a bonus worth mentioning [e.g. is at least a weeks pay after taxes]. I’d venture that roughly 300 Million people in America never get bonuses. And now you’re sad about being a pariah?! Holy shit – as though somehow now, at this point in your deepest failures and regrets, I’m supposed to feel something other than hatred for the equivalent of of a glorified Collection Agent?
I think the major difference between this Depression-Beginning and the 1930’s depression was that Banker’s took a hit and were able to see their own stupidity – albeit just before they jumped from their office window. Today, they’ve been protected and mostly weren’t losing their money – hence this, “Why’s everyone so mad at us?” crap.
What pisses me off most about this article – the assumption that the consumer was greedy. You know why this country is fucking pissed off at Bankers? The same reasons most people dislike drug-dealers [not weed, though :-)]; they ruin people’s lives. And now that the country is in collective-rehab, the banker Money-Dealers are left in the cold trying to figure out why they suck so much.

Read moreOh – sorry, did you need some consoling after you destroyed my country?

Ronald Regan

I was reading a Times article about Republicans and what they need to do to regain power. Apart from the obvious – be like Obama – or the other obvious question: Why the hell is the Times helping to provide a focus to the Republicans, anyway!?! – it occurred to me I have basically lived … Read moreRonald Regan

Econ 101

Ok – so there’s a few entries here about Econ and I am not, in point of fact, an Economist – or at least, not one that gets paid for my insights. Really, I’m a poet, but that, too, changes regularly lately… but on with the show. Here’s a suggestion: the next time you here … Read moreEcon 101

Depression II

NOTE: This is quite old, i got lazy and didn’t feel like finishing it, but i think it’s fairly rounded anyway.
Note LATER: Wow, I just re-read this and it is TOTALLY not even close to finished…. WTF?!? And no one points out the failure… thanks. Oh, wait, you have to have readers to have someone point things out. Oh well – maybe one day.
So a bit has happened in the last few weeks… well, more than a bit, but we’ll get to that.
1. Yesterday the congress approved $700,000,000,000 (or MORE) Details are still fuzzy; but I am sure the Companies got what they wanted.
2. Despite the “effort” to keep the DOW at some particular level, it dropped again by another 3% or so.
3. The VP debates went off w/o a debate; instead we got a joint campaign stop w/ 90 second Stump Speeches.
One quote comes to mind by John F. Kennedy:

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

It seems clear to me that the People DID NOT want this bill, did not want anything to do with this bill, yet despite that, the Ivory Tower that the congress sits in decided to go ahead and give ALL of our remaining money to a few LARGE Corporations. It seems to me that if there was ever a doubt as to who the Congress, Executive and Judiciary serve, that doubt is gone and the people are left with snuffed out candles and an acrid smell of their lives going up in smoke.

Read moreDepression II

Depression I

Note: I forgot to push the publish button, and it’s kind of funny – ……
as I was perusing this article, Treasury set to bail out Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, I couldn’t help but think of a few things.
“Ultimately, the government decided that Freddie and Fannie were too big to fail, and was unwilling to consider the damaging effects on the U.S. housing market and broader economy if the mortgage giants went down.”

Read moreDepression I

fuck your family

News of Sarah Palin’s daughter being pregnant doesn’t really bother me. What bothers me is that she announces it, brings her family on stage to show them all off, then turns around and says it’s a “Private Matter”. Well, fuck you. Keep your god damned family private and it is a private matter, bring them … Read morefuck your family

DC Gun Ban Shot Down

On Wednesday or Thursday [always hard to tell from here in Europe], the US Supreme Court decided that Washington D.C.’s ban on Handguns (not rifles, mind you), violated the rights of the citizen to “keep and bear arms”. You can read about it here. According to the 5 to 4 majority, “Self Defense” was a primary factor in the decision.
My Question:
Now that I can legally defend myself, must I continue to pay for the Police that do not, will not, and can not defend me? And to take it a logical step further, can I set out to defend myself against such things as a severe and potentially life-threatening encroachment upon my liberties by a Court that views the Government as “Infallible”? Am I to use my newly affirmed right to Self-Defense against those who would spy on me, search my home without a warrant, harass my friends, family, business associates, and merchants with “National Security Letters”?
Just how far does my right to defend myself go? And – I want shoulder fired missiles to use against the Police Helicopters that invade my neighborhood (when I live in DC) daily and nightly.

Read moreDC Gun Ban Shot Down

Applying a Paradox

“I swear to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic” – and it seems to me that doesn’t jive with “some parts of the Constitution don’t apply”, like the 4th amendment. If, say, for example, Al-Queda [as imaginary as they are], were to take over our fine land, they would invalidate … Read moreApplying a Paradox

Slowing Economy?

Ok, I’ve not got an economics degree, but I’m fairly confident I’m smarter than this guy: Douglas Duncan, the chief economist for the Mortgage Bankers, said the rates would probably rise further for much of this year as house prices fall further and banks and investors remain unwilling to lend and buy mortgage securities. “We … Read moreSlowing Economy?

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind