How does the NYTimes get a “liberal” reputation with garbage like this? I mean, for reals – feel sorry for Investment bankers or IT workers getting 2x what the rest of the IT world makes for 10+ years, and now no bonus? Well, fuck-you-very-much, I have never gotten a bonus worth mentioning [e.g. is at least a weeks pay after taxes]. I’d venture that roughly 300 Million people in America never get bonuses. And now you’re sad about being a pariah?! Holy shit – as though somehow now, at this point in your deepest failures and regrets, I’m supposed to feel something other than hatred for the equivalent of of a glorified Collection Agent?
I think the major difference between this Depression-Beginning and the 1930’s depression was that Banker’s took a hit and were able to see their own stupidity – albeit just before they jumped from their office window. Today, they’ve been protected and mostly weren’t losing their money – hence this, “Why’s everyone so mad at us?” crap.
What pisses me off most about this article – the assumption that the consumer was greedy. You know why this country is fucking pissed off at Bankers? The same reasons most people dislike drug-dealers [not weed, though :-)]; they ruin people’s lives. And now that the country is in collective-rehab, the banker Money-Dealers are left in the cold trying to figure out why they suck so much.
Read moreOh – sorry, did you need some consoling after you destroyed my country?