Terrorist threat may be at most ‘heightened state’ since 9/11, Napolitano says

Terrorist threat may be at most ‘heightened state’ since 9/11, Napolitano says. Oh My God… is the only reaction I can come up with for this stupidity. These people really are deluded; believing their imaginary enemies are out to get them! In civil society, we call that a mental disorder. How are these people seriously … Read moreTerrorist threat may be at most ‘heightened state’ since 9/11, Napolitano says

New York Times Fares Better Under Fascism

Or, Why I’m not writing poetry, but rather, reading the Newspapers and hating on them, as usual. So far, my favorite thing to hate on this morning is the New York Times. As the New York Times continues to attempt to adjust its image to a less “liberal” image, which they never have been – … Read moreNew York Times Fares Better Under Fascism

Social Psychologists Detect Liberal Bias Within – @ NYTimes.com

Social Psychologists Detect Liberal Bias Within. I find myself at odds with this one here. As a devout Anti-Authoritarian, I find the idea of the state to be repugnant. For that, I have been labeled a Conservative (but not by anyone that *actually* knows me).  Yet, the idea of Conservative, or being called one, is … Read moreSocial Psychologists Detect Liberal Bias Within – @ NYTimes.com

Good Ol’ frontline …

Frontline is always a very good show, and this one continues it. Though, my single critique is that, while it obviously answers many questions, it ends with only the hint of the real question: If credit is required to live the lifestyle that defines the middle class, without it, wouldn’t there be a much smaller … Read moreGood Ol’ frontline …

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind