An Open Letter To the collection of Biological (Carbon based) Garbage that is the SVP

I have been so inundated by your shrill and ugly cries of Auslander, that I am encouraged to write you this letter in an effort to end your suffering. To wit, I would like to offer an option that has, hitherto, seemingly not been suggested. You may find, if you open your minds, that this … Read moreAn Open Letter To the collection of Biological (Carbon based) Garbage that is the SVP

Epistle from 18-FEB-2004

Letter to the Black Beyond:
In Philadelphia, the sun sets on post modern ghetto fallout. I’ve passed though a seemingly endless corridor of poverty and sadness, somehow broken up by the spirit to survive. We’ve crossed rivers and wetlands and ducked under whole cities to avoid traps that cause us to stop.
I’m desperate for a cigarette. It’s been some time now and I swear they are calling my name – the smokes that is. But I’ll survive. Maybe.
We’ve stopped and I’ve been offered a seat in the café car, but no good comes from sitting down for too long. She tells me she’s in sales – floor coverings. I wonder if sales attracts a naturally boisterous person or if it turns them into them. She’s from Ohio; she glad she doesn’t have an Ohio accent. I’m not really from anywhere, but I say I’m from Connecticut; weird little countries in a bigger one.

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Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind